Line Follower VEX IQ Line Following Robot
The VEX IQ Robot follows the blue line, makes left or right turns to continue. All turns are perpendicular. If you do this at home, you have to use bright lights on the floor as the color sensor does not work at medium ambiance light levels. It's too bad that the light cannot be turned on for color sensing....
This Video Published Since or about 4 years ago ago, Hosted by and Published by Channel: Brickineers
Line Follower VEX IQ Line Following Robot's Video From Brickineers have lenght about 1:59 and was viewed more than 6703 and is still growing
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Assembling a Line-follower Robot (with demonstration) [Arduino UNO + L293D]
Assembling of the Robocraze DIY Line-follower Robot, controlled using Arduino Uno and L293D Motor Driver Shield, with steps. Buy the Kit Here: For more information and code for the bot, check out the blog:
This Video Published Since 2 years ago ago, Hosted by and Published by Channel: Robocraze
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Line Follower VEX IQ Line Following Robot
Line Follower VEX IQ Line Following Robot
The VEX IQ Robot follows the blue line, makes left or right turns to continue. All turns are perpendicular. If you do this at home, you have to use bright lights on the floor as the color sensor does not work at medium ambiance light levels. It's too bad that the light cannot be turned on for color sensing....
This Video Published Since 4 years ago ago, Hosted by and Published by Channel: Brickineers
Line Follower VEX IQ Line Following Robot's Video From Brickineers have lenght about 1:59 and was viewed more than 6703 and is still growing
Student Projects 2013, robot, line follower, sleepers
Student Projects 2013, robot, line follower, sleepers
Some student projects from 2013. A robot for climbing towers and masts (such as a wind turbine tower). A small vehicle following a line. A device for detecting faulty rail sleepers. All three of these projects involve Arduino microelectronics . Students provided with a budget of around £100 which when you start spreading that across buying the ...
This Video Published Since 6 years ago ago, Hosted by and Published by Channel: John TheTechy
Student Projects 2013, robot, line follower, sleepers's Video From John TheTechy have lenght about 7:57 and was viewed more than 54875 and is still growing
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